Neuro-Crash Navigator: Detecting - and Defusing - Your Hidden Signals Of Stress (S.O.S.)

Do you ever:

  • Burst into tears (maybe when you’re alone, maybe in front of others)?
  • Snap at people “for no reason”?
  • Have big reactions to little inconveniences?
  • Promise yourself you won’t over-react again… and then do it, anyway?
  • Notice that you’re holding your breath, tightening your shoulders, chewing your lip, breathing fast, or clenching your jaw?
  • Get headaches, stomachaches, or feelings of exhaustion?
  • Feel like it’s all just too much?

Although all of these things are much more common in people now than they were just a few short years ago, they are not inevitable facts of life. They are products of Neuro-Crashes (and the lead-up to them).

A Neuro-Crash is what happens when your brain and nervous system get overwhelmed to the point where your coping mechanisms shut down. The important thing to understand is that Neuro-Crashes are preventable.

You spend your time, thought, and energy working, taking care of things, and being there in various ways for your loved ones.

Now it’s time to focus on you. On your own mind. Your own well-being. Your own brain. Your own nervous system. Your own mental health. (Doing this will also make life better for the people you care about. One of the best ways to be a good spouse, parent, friend, boss, and colleague is to be a person who is not easily agitated and not prone to Neuro-Crashes.)

Come join us and let us nurture you, guide you, and build within you the sustainable strength and self-understanding to:

  • Detect your own S.O.S. (Signals of Stress) right away so that you can take action to circumvent Neuro-Crashes before they start.
  • Maintain equilibrium within yourself so that you don’t feel on edge.
  • Know your triggers… so you can avoid or deactivate them.
  • Stop reacting in ways you don’t want or can’t understand.
  • Get much more proactive at regulating yourself.
  • Make friends with your nervous system instead of feeling like it's working against you.
  • Understand exactly what you need in order to maintain your own internal homeostasis.

Complete with super clear explanations, very useful handouts, and opportunities to begin implementation, this mini-workshop (which addresses one of the three pillars of mastering your own Neuro-Crashes) is like an owner's manual for your brain and nervous system - allowing you to revamp your reactions, reconnect with your rhythms, and right the ship.



1. Raun K. Kaufman:

Author, lecturer, and former CEO Raun K. Kaufman has worked with people on the subject of mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and dealing with extreme situations for the past 25+ years - and training others to do the same.

  • An international lecturer and graduate of the Ivy League’s Brown University with a degree in Biomedical Ethics, Raun has completed lecture tours in the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, France, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
  • He has been interviewed by media such as National Public Radio, BBC Television, Fox News Channel, The London Telegraph, and People Magazine.
  • Along with Kate C. Wilde, he pioneered the concept of the Neuro-Crash and the tools of S.O.S. (Signals of Stress) and Rise Above Questions.
  • As a child, Raun was diagnosed with so-called “severe” (non-speaking) autism and recommended for lifelong institutionalization. Instead, his parents worked with him in a totally new way they developed, enabling him to blossom, grow, and, ultimately, accomplish everything his parents were promised he would not. A book and television movie were made about his journey.
  • He is the author of the award-winning book, Autism Breakthrough: The Groundbreaking Method That Has Helped Families All Over the World.

2. Kate C. Wilde:

Kate C. Wilde has spent the last 30 years on the subject of mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and dealing with extreme situations, as well as with therapists, educators, and schools.

  • Renowned for the courses she teaches throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia, Kate also speaks at worldwide online summits.
  • She has intensively trained and qualified more than forty professionals who have gone on to help thousands of families, children, and educators across the globe.
    Along with Raun K. Kaufman, she pioneered the concept of the Neuro-Crash and the tools of S.O.S. (Signals of Stress) and Rise Above Questions.
  • She is a columnist for Exceptional Needs Today and has written articles for such publications as Autism Parenting Magazine in the U.S. and SEN Magazine in the U.K.
  • She is the author of the acclaimed books, Autistic Logistics: A Parent’s Guide to Tackling Bedtime, Toilet Training, Tantrums, Hitting, and Other Everyday Challenges, The Autism Language Launcher: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Turn Sounds and Words Into Simple Conversations and Autism Abracadabra: Seven Magic Ingredients to Help Develop Your Child’s Interactive Attention Span.